Report Policy

We are committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. We take complaints seriously, especially those related to content that may be illegal, violate our standards, or involve individuals depicted without valid consent. This policy outlines our process for addressing complaints and removing content if required, ensuring all issues are handled promptly, fairly, and transparently.

Reporting Content Violations:

We encourage individuals to report any content that they believe may be illegal or otherwise violates the Standards. To facilitate this process, we have implemented the following measures:

1. Anonymous Reporting:
We respect the privacy of individuals who wish to report content violations anonymously. Therefore, we provide an option for anonymous reporting to ensure that individuals feel comfortable reporting their concerns without fear of retribution.

Complaint Handling Process:

Upon receiving a complaint, we will follow a structured process to address and resolve the issue. The key steps of our complaint handling process are as follows:

1. Complaint Receipt and Acknowledgement: We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 2 busniess days from the submission date. This acknowledgement will be sent to the complainant email address. We understand the importance of timely acknowledgment and strive to address all complaints promptly.
2. Investigation and Review: Our dedicated team will conduct a thorough investigation and review of the reported complaint. This process may involve gathering relevant information, examining any available evidence, and consulting with appropriate internal or external stakeholders as necessary.
3. Resolution and Decision: Within seven business day from the acknowledgment date, we will reach a decision on the complaint. We will notify the complainant of the decision and provide a detailed explanation of the outcome. If further investigation or consultation is required, we will inform the complainant of the additional time needed.

Appeals Process:

We recognize the importance of providing an appeals process for decisions made regarding complaints. If the complainant is not satisfied with the initial decision, they have the right to request an appeal. The following steps outline our appeals process:
1. Appeal Request: The complainant must submit a written appeal, clearly outlining the reasons for their disagreement with the initial decision. The appeal should be sent to the designated contact person or department mentioned in the initial complaint resolution communication.
2. Review of Appeal: An independent and impartial team or individual, not involved in the initial complaint handling process, will review the appeal. This review will consider all relevant information, evidence, and arguments provided by the complainant.
3. Appeal Decision: Within ten business day from receiving the appeal, we will communicate the appeal decision to the complainant. The decision will be final and binding, reflecting a fair and unbiased evaluation of the complaint.

Potential Outcomes:

Depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, the following outcomes may be possible:
1. Content Removal or Modification: If the reported content is found to be in violation of the Standards or deemed illegal, we will take appropriate action, which may include removing or modifying the content to align with the required standards.
2. Warning or Sanctions: In cases where a violation is identified but does not warrant content removal, we may issue warnings or impose appropriate sanctions on the responsible party. The nature of the warning or sanctions will be determined based on the severity and frequency of the violation.
3. No Action Taken: No Action Required: If the reported content is found to be within the acceptable standards, no further action may be taken. We will communicate our decision and the reasons behind it to the complainant.

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